One woman’s dream made into reality

If you’re a regular you’ll have seen or visited us on the Llangollen high street, if you’re new to us here’s a little about NWH.

Our shop opened in 2017 thanks to one woman’s dream of owning a crystal and naturally sourced goodies shop with a treatment room to do reiki therapies and readings.

Thankfully this amazingly talented woman we all fondly remember as Marj had a supportive husband, Alan and a determined daughter Hannah to make her dream a reality.

Unfortunately our stunning Marj was taken from us very quickly and far too young in 2019, so Hannah and Alan kept the shop running in memory and to keep Marj’s dream alive and managed to do so until June 2024 when sadly Alan passed away at home.

We have had so many wonderful regular customers in not only for goodies from the shop but also for therapy treatments with our amazing Alison and readings with Hannah as well. 

So myself (Hannah), have decided it’s time for me to move on from having a shop so far from my home and have made the decision to keep both my parents dreams alive by creating this website with an online store to deliver your crystal, well-being, tarot etc goodies straight to your door!

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